Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shutdown

The recent government shutdown seems to be the problem of the old Republicans vs Democratic party of deciding on Obamacare even though it is now technically a law. The Republicans are just delaying the inevitable of what will eventually happen, with some politicians afraid of the amount of money being poured into it when the United States is already in deep financial trouble. It seems that opportunity costs weighs heavily on this as the budget for the United States will be reduced in every aspects except healthcare. The fact remains that the U.S. cannot spend any more or else the financial problem will be bigger than ever. The Republicans in this position are only delaying what is soon to come and should just agree to what the Senate did. Congress should also take immediate action to this rather than sit around doing nothing, or perhaps even take a paycut such as those that are on definite leave working for the federal government. It seems that politicians are rather worried about furthering their own agenda rather than opinions of the people.

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