Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is Greed Good?

Greed is good to a certain extent, those that create jobs for a company created by smart owners, but bad for the rich CEOs that only want money. Greed can help stimulate the economy when those that have disposable income can spend their money on things that may need the help of another person. Prime examples being workers to help if making new additions to a home, or purchasing stock from a newly formed company. Stocks can help build up an entirely new company to the mix, which in turn creates jobs, and possibly gaining more revenue from the enhanced workforce. But the question still remains how much is too much? There are people in the world that only want to gain money that could be at the cost of others. A CEO of a major company may decide to liquidate a company entirely overnight which can cause people to lose their jobs without even noticing. In the eyes of stockholders as long as the stock continues to rise, there isn't any reason to care for the minimum wage worker because money is all they see.

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